As for the origins of bongs themselves, scientists are split. In 2013, excavations in Russia turned up gold bongs used by Scythian tribal chiefs. These bongs were found in something called a kurgan, a mound of soil and rocks placed over a wooden burial chamber. The date on the whole site was put at 2,400 years ago, seemingly the earliest recorded use of water pipes. The ‘earth pipe’ in the ancient Africa is evidence that says bongs originate from Africa. And these water pipes were in use in Africa long before anyone else. Earth pipe use the same principles as any other smoking device but they are built into the ground.
In the 17th and 18th centuries the Qing Dynasty, China developed different types of bongs for different classes. Homemade bamboo bongs, bongs made with bronze and jewel-decorated silver bongs. Along with the Chinese bamboo and metal pipes, bongs made with coconuts by Jamaicans and African bongs made of dried gourds also have essential place in the history of bongs.
Acrylic and glass bongs are the popular bongs in the current industry. Local and modern glass blowing techniques brought the bongs into a next level. The most modern bong is a bong made of single fused piece of glass. And it is clear that the variety of glass water pipes could make a large crowd of users of it.
With the best collection of different glass bongs KC Smokz Smoke Vape N Head Shop at the heart of Kansas City is popular for glass pieces. KC Smokz offers you some amazing glass works that are very interesting to see as well as use!