KC Smokz- The Smoke, Vape, Kratom, Delta, CBD, Head Shop

Celebrate this Delightful Sunday with KC SmokZ!

Again a pretty Sunday! Let’s have a fantastic celebration with your friends and vaping community on this holiday. Are you near to Kansas City and Westport? Then at KC Smokz, we also ready to join with you. KC Smokz provides everything for smoking as well as vaping. We have some incredible glass works and awesome vapes for the season! Just drive to KC Smokz smoke shop at 3957 Broadway in Westport. Get the vapes, glass pipes, e-cigs, smoking and vaping…

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The Best Weekend Vape Shop in Kansas City

The very first weekend in spring is coming. The spring season can be quite pleasant in most of the US. Nature becomes more beautiful with flowers and green leaves. Atmosphere makes you feel better. If you are anywhere in Kansas City area, find our smoke shop KC Smokz on Broadway in Westport for best experience in this spring weekend. No matter whether you are a smoker or vaper everything will be arranged here at KC Smokz. It’s because we are…

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Enjoy the springtime at KC SmokZ!

In Kansas City the nature awakes with the entry of springtime. It’s the time of snow melting and generation of rich flora and fauna in the sunlight. Spring is the season of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. Yes a new beginning! Spring is the most pleasant time on the earth. Smoking or vaping in Kansas during spring is a special feel. You can enjoy your smoke and vape in the extreme beauty of the city. Whether you are a smoker or…

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Black Note E-Liquids

Black Note is one of the most popular and trusted American based e-liquid company. Black Note e-liquids is famous for its tobacco flavor. It is because they craft liquid from naturally extracted tobacco (NET). That’s why they are popular among tobacco enthusiasts. Black Note extracts the flavor directly from real tobacco leaves. Black Note makes every product to bring out the bold notes of premium tobacco flavor as well as the minor notes that influence the overall aroma and flavor.…

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Spoon Pipes vs. Sherlock Pipes

Today you can enjoy smoking/vaping dry herbs via many ways. Different types of glass pipes are available on the market. Portable hand pipes and dry pipes are more popular among smokers. They include chillum pipes, spoon pipes, Sherlock pipes, one-hitters and more. Each of them has their own specialties. But you have to choose one that suits you the most. Spoon and Sherlock pipes are very famous in the industry. Each has its own merits. Both are available in different…

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Glass Bubblers – An Overview

All are aware about the use of bubblers today. Glass Bubblers are the combination of water pipes and dry pipes. So bubbler can be used with or without water. A bubbler is also called as glass water pipe because they have a large bowl space to fill with water. A downstem connection between the bottom of the large bowl and a bowl piece helps to catch the ash and percolate the water. Thus you will get higher and smoother smoke…

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Get Your Sunday Smoke On with variety of Bongs in KC Smokz

Bongs aka Water Pipes are filtration devices used for smoking weeds or other herbal substances. Bongs have strong position in the smoking world. It’s because of their popularity from ancient time. Water pipes are a least as old as the pyramids and maybe older. Today also bongs have great acceptance among smokers. At KC Smokz Smoke and Vape Shop on Broadway in Westport stocks different types of bongs including ancient forms to modern glass bongs. Concept of the bong is…

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A Review on Apollo E-liquids

If you are a vaper, you may definitely heard about Apollo vape brand because they are one of the oldest as well as most popular e-cigarette brands on the market. Apollo delivers almost all vaping accessories like vape pen kits, e-cigarette starter kits, clearomizers, blank, refillable cartridges and e-liquid bottles and many more. Although Apollo is known for variety of e-cigs they give same importance to their e-liquids also. Apollo e-liquids are one of the best e-liquid manufactures in the…

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Benefits of Silicone Water Pipes

Are you a smoker and die heart fan of water pipes? Definitely you may hear about water pipes made of silicone. And today silicone pipes and water pipes are more common on the market. As we know glass pipes are the ever time best pipes in the industry but its little difficult to handle glass pieces easily. Glass pipe breaking is an issue to many of the pipe smokers. That’s where the silicone smoking pipes have got their popularity. It…

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Smoke Your Dab with Concentrate Pipes and Bongs

Nowadays many smokers like to live a dab life because dabbing has become as much popular in the smoking world. Dab rigs, oil rigs or concentrate pipes are the main accessory to smoke your favorite dabs. They help to vape concentrates, waxes and oils. The earliest form of dabbing is known as ‘Knife Hits’. Today dabbing has become modern with the origin of variety dab rigs/oil irgs/concentrate pipes and bongs. Concentrate pipes and bongs are used to smoke concentrates. At…

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