KC Smokz- The Smoke, Vape, Kratom, Delta, CBD, Head Shop

KC SMOKZ Vapes e-cigs-e-juice

Is nicotine harmful?

A few days ago FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb was all over the news for his statement concerning maximum nicotine levels in cigarettes. As per the statement, reducing the levels of this addictive substance in cigarettes will help smokers to quit their habit easily. It is obvious that nicotine is addictive but is it all bad? Many people believe that nicotine gum is far less harmful than smoking. Doctors worldwide agree with it. Then why combustible cigarettes are risky to health?…

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Why to use a Carb Cap?

If you are a dabber who enjoys low temperature dabs, owning a suitable carb cap is a must. Carb caps are often overlooked but worthy asset to any dabbers arsenal. In case if you don’t know about carb cap, It is an essential dabbing instrument designed for use with a domeless nail. This accessory is used in dabbing to restrict airflow on your nail. Carb caps holds in your vapor, not allowing any to escape and hence wasted. Using the…

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Quick light coal and its uses

Coals are an absolute essential part of the hookah experience. They are the source of heat which causes the tobacco to produce smoke. Without them, hookah smoking is impossible! With so many different types of coals around, choice of coal can vary from person to person. Hookah charcoal comes in two basic classes – Quick light and Natural. While Quick light coals are what most smokers start with, Natural coals or coco coals are the cleanest way to smoke shisha.…

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Recyclers – devices for exceptionally filtered smoke

Recyclers are the latest technology that is built upon the concept of traditional water pipes. They are currently a hot trend in the smoking world, most efficient and enjoyable way of inhaling vapor or smoke. More and more artistic glass blowers and designers are becoming ever more creative in their recycler designs, crafting enticing unique designs. Recyclers work great with both flowers and concentrates. These unique pipes function to keep water constantly moving within the chamber of your pipe. It creates a…

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It’s Easter today!

It is beginning of spring season. The fresh wind blow, blooming flowers, green grass and rising temperatures makes people happy and energetic after months of winter blues. Such a happy, bright days and Easter is here as well. Palm Sunday has marked the commencement of holy week and hope you are all set for your Easter celebrations! Easter is one such time of the year when you will get together with friends and family. May it be for Easter egg…

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KC SMOKZ Vapes e-cigs-e-juice

Smoking Etiquette – Know how to behave in gatherings

It is time for holidays. The arrival of spring and Easter is a welcome time of joy and celebration. Holidays brings parties, social festivities and gatherings with friends or relatives. With all the joy that holiday brings in; it indeed put forth challenges to seasoned smokers as well as to novice smokers. You have to decide when to smoke and when to delay.Knowing proper smoking etiquette is essential as it is better to be careful about not harming or offending…

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Choices in Bongs

Bongs are the classic smoking devices that is been used by smokers for decades. Basically, a bong is a water percolation device that works to convert your herbs or tobacco into the best hit possible. They are the most popular way to smoke herbs, as it provides a level of relaxation that is much beyond comparison with the one you get from other traditional smoking implement. In bongs your herbs are filtered through a water system. This percolation removes the…

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Ways to store your concentrates

Taking proper care of your concentrates is crucial in vaping. The way you store and handle your concentrate impacts its shelf life, efficiency and flavor. None want to throw out their favorite concentrate products solely due to negligence in keeping it. Well-stored concentrates can last a very long time without degrading its quality. Deciding where to store your concentrate is indeed very easy. Storing them in a cool, dark place always keeps them intact. Refrigerator is the best suited place…

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Ashcatcher – Why you need it for your bong

A bong or any water pipe requires care to maintain its looks as well as performance. One of the most annoying facts about water pipes is the frequency at which they need to be cleaned. Unfortunately, after just a few smoke sessions, bong can become noticeably dirty. Dirty water pipes can significantly alter the taste and overall experience of a session. Cleaning a bong is not a very easy process. It is often time consuming as it requires you to…

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Smoke like Sherlock Homes

Who doesn’t know Sherlock Homes? Even though it is fictional detective character, Holmes’s popularity and fame are such that many have believed him to be not a fiction but a real individual. Sherlock pipes are named after the iconic pipes smoked by this literary figure. These pipes have a nice and unique aesthetic that separates them from other glass pipes. It is hailed as a classic among smoking enthusiasts. Sherlock pipes are one of the sturdiest and coolest among pipes…

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