KC Smokz- The Smoke, Vape, Kratom, Delta, CBD, Head Shop


Know your options in glass pipes

When passionate glassblowing artistry meets functionality it results in beautiful smoking implements, the glass pipes. More and more artists are finding innovative ways to create one of a kind piece and these glassblowers are able to infuse unique style into all aspects of their glass, from character to color and usability. No matter whether you are looking for a pipe to smoke or an intricate rig for special sessions, there is an artistic piece out there for you. One of the peculiarities of glass…

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Hookah Charcoal

Beginners guide to Hookah Charcoal

When you enter into the magic world of hookah, it’s difficult to decide which hookah you want. There are so many things to consider such as brand, materials used, price, size, etc.Hookah is a great choice for relaxation but you must know how to properly utilize the accessories you need in order to ensure a great session for yourself. One of the most important elements to a great hookah smoking experience is the charcoal that you use. There are two…

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Herbal smoking with Kratom

Role of Kratom in smoker’s world

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna speciosa is herbal remedy for different types of ailments. A potent stimulant that helps to reduce fatigue, pain and muscle aches. Depending on the dosage taken it has several effects. By taking this herb in lower dosages it acts as an antidepressant and a stimulant. When taken in higher quantities, it acts as a sedative and increases energy level.The user feel intensely relaxed. It is also known for its recreational properties and as a drug for…

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