ceramic nails

Dab Tools  – An Overview

Dabbing is not a strange thing today. Many of us get into the way of dabbing concentrates and extracts. If you are going to dab, get aware about the process. One of the important parts of dabbing is dabber tools. What are dab tools? Many of people are wondered when they hear ‘Dab tools’. Yes! these tools are a pivotal tool used in concentrate extraction as well as concentrate consumption. In shorts, dab tools are necessary tool for everyone who…

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Ceramic Domeless Nail – The Most Common Choice of Dabbers

As all dabbing enthusiasts know, a reliable nail is needed for high-quality taste and smoking sensation. With options such as quartz, titanium, ceramic, domed, domeless, electronic, smaller, bigger, and more, it can be hard to find your ideal type of nail early on. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Domed and domeless nails both have their own unique benefits to a dab rig. The domeless nail style is a newer trend, and for good reason as it is a very…

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