Fancy Pipes

A Great Review on Great Glassworks

Glass art has big role in the smoking industry today. We know glass pieces are the most popular and wanted smoking devices in the market. And US glass manufacturers are best glass artists because their glass smoking devices are well-known all over the world today. Many glass manufactures make beautiful aesthetic glass pipes, bongs, rigs, etc. Empire Glassworks is one of the most renowned US glass makers. Empir Glassworks was established in 2013 to promote and cater to the vaping…

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How to Choose a Perfect Smoking Pipe

Today, various types of smoking pipes are available on the market and they made the heaven for pipe smokers. As well as, wide selection of variety pipes in the industry also confuses the pipe users. Choosing the right smoking pipe is not an easy task especially for a beginner. When it comes to buying a smoking pipe that suit you most, need to consider some factors related to pipe smoking. The range of factors that go into finding and buying…

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The specialty of locally blown glass pipes

For many of the herb smokers out there, even after availability of most modern implements on market, consuming herbs through glass implements is their favorite method to enjoy herbs. One the prominent reason is that it provides you the absolute flavour as well as along with percolation Technics; you can enjoy that cool and smooth hit. No matter whether it is a pipe, a bong, or anything in between, glass has a special place in the heart of regular and…

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KC Smokz

It is Memorial Day weekend!

It is Memorial Day weekend! With Memorial Day being on this Monday, This is a weekend full of get-togethers, three-day get-always or fun filled events. This is the day to honor veterans of wars and all those currently serving in the armed forces. Indeed, let’s celebrate the holiday by recognizing the true meaning of the holiday. Remember the brave military members who sacrificed their life for our nation, for you! There is no doubt that this Memorial Day Weekend is…

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The history, usage and benefits of chillums

When it comes to smoking, there are insane amount of ways to enjoy your favorite herbs. Starting from the humble rolling papers to high end bongs and electronic vaporizers, the options are endless. Out of these, Chillums are easy and portable smoking devices. These tradition pipes have been around for more than hundred years. They are still seen as one of the best ways to enjoy herbs.On looking back at the history of Chillums, even though no one is completely…

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