Smoking Pipes

Khalil Mamoon Hookahs

Hookahs are popular over decades and an interesting way to enjoy the smoke from tobacco leaves. Moreover today hookah smoking has become a social activity; hookah party is not a rare one in the US. At Halloween also hookah parties bring an incredible celebration. Hookahs come as single or multi-stemmed and it cools the smoke produced from shisha tobacco by the water in the base. There are many high quality hookahs and shisha flavors are available in the market today…

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Debowler ashtrays

We all know that ashtrays have an important role in smoking.  You will use ashtrays if you are aware about environment pollution because ashing in trash and outside can cause fires. And it is not eco friendly. Obviously you know the risk of ashing on the ground. Also, you can’t always go outside for a smoke. Sometimes you have to smoke at your home or in a large building. So it’s better to use ashtrays. Lot of unique ashtray varieties…

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Nexus Glass – Hottest New Glassblowing Team

According to the increase of glass product usage in smoking industry, many glass manufactures are coming with vast collections. Nexus Glass is a new player in the glass art field and is making a serious name for themselves. Nexus Glass is a Southern California-based glass company. They have exploded onto the glass scene recently and for good reason. Nexus Glass Distribution found in 2013. It has cemented its place in the industry with award winning products. This pretty new company,…

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Nucleus Full Color Beaker Bong with Sleek Look

We know bongs have their sovereignty in the world of pipe smoking where glass bongs have a ghosting position among smokers. Not only the cooler smoother smoke but also the stylish and amazing designs makes bongs all the time favorites. Nucleus Full Color Beaker Bong is a variety of glass bong. As the name implies, it is a colored glass bong. Unlike most of the bongs are made of clear glass or mix of some colored glass, the nucleus full…

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The original Monkey Pipe

The wood is a great pipe material. Wood is 100% all-natural, and it’s very satisfying to take a big toke out of a well crafted wooden pipe. Smoking out of a hand-carved wooden pipe is one of the most customary methods of smoking weed. Not only are wooden pipes made from a safe all natural material, but they are also budget friendly as well. Wooden pipes are a great conversation piece and they are an excellent gateway to the world…

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An Overview of Metal Pipes

We all know smoking pipes come in several shapes, size and materials. Some of these materials include glass pipes, wood pipes, rubber, plastic, and metal pipes. Glass is the most popular among regular smokers. However, glass is delicate, and some pieces are quite expensive. Smokers looking for an alternative medium to smoke from may eventually consider metal pipes. Metal is an uncommon material for making weed pipes, but they are not unknown. Metal Pipes are great for any smoker whether you’re…

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The Genius Pipe – Pipe for the modern smokers

Innovations in smoking and vaping industries always resulted in rewarding smoking and vaping gears. The Genius Pipe is one such gear. This is a hand pipe like no other one in the industry, a modern pipe for the modern smokers. If you are a pipe lover and want to be smart about how you smoke, this is the pipe for you. It is sleek, elegant and just works well. As its name indicates, it is cleverly engineered to be a…

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A look into popular pipe tobacco varieties

Pipe tobacco is entirely about taste and among the various varieties of tobaccos, pipe tobacco possess the most typical and distinct flavors. With hundreds of blends available on market, it indeed takes a lot of time an effort to find the best suitable one. As the personal taste is subjective, many of the tobacco blends which are perfect for some smokers many not stand good for others. The options available are countless as even independent tobacconists tend to develop their…

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pipe tobacco

An overview of pipe tobacco blends

There is a famous saying among tobacco smokers that “A cigarette is to be smoked, a cigar is to be enjoyed, and a pipe is to be savored”. Indeed, if you have experience with only cigarettes and cigars, be ready for a real treat. Among the various varieties of tobaccos, pipe tobacco possess the most typical and distinct flavors. The puffs from pipe tobacco blends are so stunning. Many factors such as the mix of tobaccos, style of its cut…

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smoking essentials

Smoking Essentials for the dry herb smokers

When it comes to smoking herbs, there are some most common tools every smoker is supposed to carry in order to have an enjoyable smoking experience. No one wants to be unprepared when the cravings hit, be it at your own home or at a friend’s house or on the go. A set of smoking essentials always ensure that you will never encounter such unprepared situations. Adding smoking essentials to your arsenal is a convenient strategy to make smoking easy…

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