If you are an experienced smoker then you could know about the importance of smoking pipe screens. Pipe screens have a non-small role in smoking pipes. You may experience getting ashes and small pieces of pipe tobacco in your mouth while smoking. Moreover pipe tobacco gets pulled into your pipe stem also. As a result you will end up having to spend more time regularly cleaning out your smoking pipes. And there comes the use of pipe screens. Pipe screens are used in pipes to filter and stop hot embers and tobacco from travelling up the pipe and into your mouth. The main reason behind the use of pipe screens is some bowls that having holes. It’s because, these holes often end up getting stuffed up with tar after a few uses.
Therefore you have to pull too hard and wind up with a mouth full of ill-tasting plant matter.
Pipe screens are not only for pipes but you can also use them even in your bongs and bubbler pipes to keep the water clean. It is due to the large bowls in bongs. They accidentally allow to intake unsmoked materials. And pipe screen prevents this unnecessary waste of unsmoked herb. Different types of pipe screens are available in market. Although, metal and glass are the most common materials.
The most basic and popular pipe screens are circular mesh ones made of either silver or brass. But it is difficult to find which metal is used. However they are easy to use and come in bulk packs and can last for a few sessions each. Since they are cheaper and easy to find you can buy plenty of these kinds of screens. Glass screens are better than brass and stainless steel screens. They can be reused. Unlike metal screens, which must be replaced often and may be made of unsafe metals, glass screens are safe to use and last forever. In conclusion, brass screens are cheapest but stainless screens help to avoid taste of metal whereas glass screens provide cleanest smoking experience.
At KC Smokz smoke vape and head shop on Broadway in Westport we offer a very wide variety of sizes of pipe screens. Checkout KC Smokz for best vaping and smoking accessories at affordable prices!