If you are looking for a device with most number of features, best performance, outstanding vapor quality and just the best vaping experience, nothing else beats desktop vaporizers. These vaporizers are ideal for vapers who vaporize frequently. These table top vaping implements do not follow any standard design as manufactures takes advantage of its comparatively large size to create diverse shapes. They are available in different sizes with varied functionalities just to fulfill your needs and to maximize your vaping experience. Let’s take a look at the different styles of desktop vaporizer available on the market.

desktop vaporizers

Desktop vaporizer have evolved over a decade from simple vapes to versatile digital units that includes powerful internal fans. It allows users to choose from standard whip draw to advanced balloon bag inhalation methods. Even though portable vapes are more versatile, Desktop vaporizers are beyond comparison with the other vapes when it comes to performance and efficiency. Desktop vaporizers come mainly in three different styles: whip style, forced-air or balloon type and dual vapes which provide both whip and balloon styles.

Whip Style: Whip-style vaporizers make use of a piece of food grade tubing known as a whip to inhale vapor once it is drawn from the heating element. Attach this tubing to the chamber and allow the hot air to flow through the herb as you take a hit from the other end of the whip. It provides great controlling the amount of vapor inhaled because it is solely dependent on your draw. The whip is combination of three main parts. A glass piece where herb is packed, the tubing which is usually food grade silicon and the mouthpiece which is usually a glass piece. Whip style devices are very popular, as they are extremely easy to use. A see through whip tube helps you to monitor your vapor density as well.

Balloon Style: Balloon style desktop vapes also known as forced air vapes are easy and convenient for longer sessions and also for group smoking. They are relatively new and advanced devices that utilize a forced air system to draw vapes. In these devices an internal fan thrusts hot air over the herbs in order to heat it. All you need to do is just turn the machine on, fill the chamber with herb and attach your balloon bag. Then turn the fan on and watch the bag inflate with your vapor. Pick up the balloon and enjoy the vapor inside at your convenience. Balloon units pump out vapor on their own on the contrary to standard whip style vaporizers. Whip style vapes require the user to inhale in order to produce the vapor.

Dual style: These are combo vaporizers designed to function with a whip or with a balloon. Dual style vapes are the most versatile types of vaporizers. Best suited for the smokers who want to try with both the two method. These multi function desktop vapes provides fan speed options and permit users to use the unit in whip mode with or without the use of this internal fan. It will not be particularly amazing in either mode but it is definitely good device at both. They provide a satisfying experience for most of the users.

Desktop vaporizer make your vapes taste smoother and flavorful. Thanks to the advanced sophisticated heating technology. They are not designed to be used on the go and are the most convenient and efficient implements for anyone looking to vape at home. Interested in this table top devices? Would like to have one of your own? Visit KC Smokz, the best smoke and vape shop in Kansas City.


When it comes to the best smoking and vaping accessories, supplies and devices at the best prices in Kansas City and Westport, there’s no joking around at KC Smokz smoke shop at 3957 Broadway and the good news is that we are open all weekend long! Stop by and see us!

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The One Stop Vape and Smoke Shop, KC SmokZ is Kansas City, Downtown, Westport, Missouri, Kansas, Plaza, Leawood, OverlandPark, Olathe’s the Best Smoke Shop, Head Shop and Vape Shop

KC Smokz Vape N Smoke Shop in Kansas City – Westport

Glass Pipes Hookahs Vaporizers/E-Cigarettes Smoking/Vaping Accessories

3957 Broadway Blvd Kansas City, MO 64111


(816) 656-5090