A staff of ours says there are two types of bong users. One that ‘processes’ the bud before firing them up & one that stuffs the whole buds into the bong and fires them up. Not that it matters though as one can do whatever they want with their buds. But we recommend processing the buds properly to get a neat, even burn for a clean, smooth hit. And by processing, we mean grinding.

Almost all cannabis enthusiasts own a grinder. But not all of them carry a grinder with them at all times. There will inevitably be moments when you take out your weed and bong and suddenly remember that you left your grinder at home. You can then go to the nearest head shop to get one OR you can improvise and grind it yourself.

That’s what we are going to look into in this article.

To grind without a grinder, all you need is something controllable to chop the buds properly. Here are a few things you can do.

Mortar & Pestle

If you have a Thai or Indian friend, they probably have some sort of grinding instrument; you know, like something to grind condiments? For Asians generally, food is an art. They mostly prefer the traditional way of preparing ingredients. And you can use their grinding equipment (most likely a mortar and pestle) to grind your herb. However, you need to make sure both the mortar and pestle are cleaned and dried thoroughly before grinding the herb. When you are done, clean both once more.

Coffee Grinder

You might have guessed this one is on the list when we mentioned mortar & pestle. A manual coffee grinder can be used to grind your herb too, and it’s quicker and more effective. The only downside is that it takes longer to clean up a coffee grinder after you are done.

Pepper Grinder

Pepper Grinder is probably the best thing you can use to grind your herb if you don’t have a grinder with you. The quality of the grind is just too good as long as the weed is dried. Just make sure to clean it thoroughly before and after use.


If you can’t find a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder, look for a cheesegrater. There will be one lying around somewhere. Use the finer grate to grind your herb. Downside? If you aren’t careful, you will grate your knuckles too.

Any Blunt Instrument

The last resort. If you can’t find any of the above, you need to get a blunt instrument. Any kind will do. We suggest using a hammer. Put the weed in a plastic bag and hammer it to perfection. Cleanup will be easier too.

The Real Last Resort

Did we say last resort earlier? There is one more thing you can do if you are too unfortunate to find anything above. The age old way of using your own hands, the natural default grinders. It’s how our ancestors did it. Just make sure your hands are clean before and after the dirty work.

Visit us at KC Smokz, Kansas City – the most reliable head shop in KC for the finest quality of herbs, bongs and more.