Kratom is a natural substance that gained massive popularity across the globe in recent years, particularly in the United States. According to the American Kratom Association, kratom is a part of life for hundreds of thousands of Americans. Some of them use kratom to deal with their problems while others see kratom as a recreational substance devoid of side effects. A vast majority of these users vouch for the fact that kratom contributes greatly in upholding their physical and mental well-being.

For a few others, kratom is something that should be avoided. Why do they feel that way?

The truth is that they are unaware of how one can use kratom the right way. Let us clarify. Honey is natural right? You use a bit of honey often on your food or just consume a spoonful, maybe, every day. Have you ever seen anyone consuming a lot of honey every day? If you take too much honey, there will be consequences as it can adversely affect your health.

Kratom is pretty much the same on that account. Take it too much or consume it the wrong way, there can be some problems.


Kratom is also known as Mitragyna Speciosa – a tree that belongs to the Coffee family and commonly found in Southeast Asia. It’s been traditionally consumed as tea for centuries in many regions across Southeast Asia as the people believed kratom has medicinal properties. It does. Kratom leaf is home to over 20 beneficial alkaloids that affect the opioid receptors of the brain to grant several therapeutic and uplifting effects.

Some of those effects include:

  • Relief from pain
  • Mood enhancement
  • Relief from anxiety
  • Boosted confidence
  • Increased focus

Because kratom is extracted using different techniques and depending on the maturity of the tree during extraction, there exists a number of kratom strains with varying potency offering different effects. Visit KC Smokz to check out the premium-quality, lab-tested strains we have in stock

How you should be using kratom

You can use kratom for almost all walks of life. Many people use kratom to be more active and confident. Others use it to relax after a long, hard day at work. Some use it to get relief from work-related stress or to improve their focus and concentration. Some people use it to enhance their mood or to just sleep better at night. Kratom is also used to suppress chronic pain due to ailments. There are former smokers who used kratom to quit smoking.

The key is controlled use. To enjoy the true benefits of kratom without any side effects or addiction, you should not abuse it. Guided, controlled use of kratom at the right doses ensures the best benefits kratom offers. Beginners often consume too much kratom to get a good hit. Kratom must not be treated like cannabis.

The tolerance and sensitivity for kratom can vary among people. So figuring out the right dosage can be a bit tricky at first. Furthermore, it’s also critical to get pure kratom tested by accredited labs from reputed sellers so your health won’t be at risk from harmful chemicals.

At KC Smokz, we recommend these 3 key rules for a safe and healthy use of kratom.

  • Always take it slow with small doses that can be progressively but slightly increased to find the right dosage
  • Detoxify ideally every 3 weeks to “reset” your body and its tolerance to kratom

Always make sure the kratom you consume is from a trusted source and certified safe for consumption