Storz & Bickel are not strangers for vape lovers. They are famous for developing high quality as well as effective vaporizers and became a leading vaporizer brand on the market today. Their Crafty, Volcano vaporizers are still the leading desktop vaporizers in the industry. The Mighty Vaporizer is another high performing device from Storz & Bickel. Mighty is a dry herb vaporizer that combining the power of the Volcano and the portability of the Crafty with very little compromise. It’s one of the best vaporizers on the market today!

The mighty vaporizer is the newest innovation by the engineers of the Volcano vaporizer the very successful Crafty. It is made for herbs and concentrates. They became one of the best vaporizers on the market because of their phenomenal vapor quality. They are ultimate in power, performance and reliability. It produces smooth hits and powerful flavors. It is a great performance, pocket-sized device.

Mighty vaporizer-desktop vaporizer

We can say it as a desk-based volcanic vaporizer in a hand-held device. You can take it with you on the road, because it can stand up to virtually anything, including knocks and scrapes. It offers the most robust, but sleek look in appearance and highly durable because it is made without any glass. So, none of the parts will let off any hazardous or odorous fumes or materials when heated. It is constructed by medical grade materials that are backed by numerous safety certifications. There’s an extra battery included in its unique design. The buttons on the body are nicely responsive, and there’s a clear and bright display that shows you the battery life, the current temperature settings. It’s really easy to use and is suitable for both professionals and newbies.

The battery-powered MIGHTY uses a patented combination of full hot air convection heating and additional conduction, which ensures an efficient vaporization from the very first draw. It gives you the power of a desktop vape in the palm of your hand. With this combo heating system, the Mighty vaporizer is able to reach its temperature quickly, without burning or scorching your dry herb. Therefore, Might are more suitable for group sessions to entertain you more! It features a dual-lithium-ion battery that can last for up to two hours of continuous use. The Mighty delivers 90-120 minutes of vaporization on a full charge. That’s a strong showing for the category, even considering the Mighty’s size.

Mighty portable vaporizer-vaping herbs

Though the Mighty is a portable vaporizer, it’s heavier and larger than other pocket models, although it’s easy to throw in a purse/ bag. Overall the Mighty vaporizer is an excellent choice to get first-class vapor quality. It boasts great battery life, and an extremely durable, high-quality construction from a trusted manufacturer. Best for newer also! The efficient vaporization with minimal risk of combustion. Thus enjoy the vapor that is full of flavor, smooth and incredibly satisfying the MIGHTY Vaporizers!


When it comes to the best smoking and vaping accessories, supplies and devices at the best prices in Kansas City and Westport, there’s no joking around at KC Smokz smoke shop at 3957 Broadway and the good news is that we are open all weekend long! Stop by and see us!

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The One Stop Vape and Smoke Shop, KC SmokZ is Kansas City, Downtown, Westport, Missouri, Kansas, Plaza, Leawood, OverlandPark, Olathe’s the Best Smoke Shop, Head Shop and Vape Shop

KC Smokz Vape N Smoke Shop in Kansas City – Westport

Glass Pipes Hookahs Vaporizers/E-Cigarettes Smoking/Vaping Accessories

3957 Broadway Blvd Kansas City, MO 64111


(816) 656-5090