ash catcher

Ash Catcher – A Wonderful Contraption for Your Bong

Ash Catchers are the wonderful contraptions that save the pain of having to deep clean your bong or dab rig. We know, bong is a piece which grab everyone’s attraction. Unfortunately, after just a few smoke sessions, the bong can become noticeably dirty. So cleaning your bong is a headache. And an ash catcher is a solution to keep your bong from getting dirty. Basically, ash catcher is kind of like a mini bong attached to your bong. This water…

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Importance of Reclaim Catcher in Dabbing

Blockage in the dab rig is an issue that many dabbers face. Frequent dabbers can know that using the same rig over a period of time can cause blockage due to reclaim buildup. All of that concentrate caking up on the walls of a rig may seem like a waste. And a recurring element of dabbing is trying to maximize how much vapor is inhaled. So we never like to lose the precious concentrate oil when it leaks into the…

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