cooler smoke

Benefits of Using Beaker Bongs

No matter how much the smoking industry has got advanced, glass bongs are the best ever choice for stoners still now. No need to explain more about it. Bongs are popular not only for cooler, smoother smoking experience, but also for enjoyable healthy smoking session with reduced toxic effects. We know, there are a wide variety of bongs available in various shapes, sizes, colors and materials. And each of them has their own advantages and unique features. Glass bongs are…

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Flexible Glass Bubblers for Water-cooled Hits

Nowadays bubblers, specifically glass bubblers have great demand on the market. It’s because they functions like water pipe with filtration and offer portability of a standard hand pipe. Glass bubblers or bubbler pipes are like mini bong. If you are looking for a high-quality as well as portable on the go smoking device then glass bubblers are the best choice. Check out selection of bubblers in our smoke shop KC Smokz on Broadway in Westport for getting excellent smoking experience!…

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Bongs vs. Pipes

Bongs and pipes are the world’s most popular smoking devices. Both have big roles in the growth of smoking industry. They are made of several materials including glass, metal and plastic are the main smoking supplies on the market. But the choice depends on the smoker. There is still a silent debate between bong and pipe, which one is better for you… so let’s do a comparison between them especially for beginners. There is nothing like a classic pipe. Pipes…

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