diffuser beads

Diffuser Beads and Their Benefits

Diffuser Bead is a simple bong accessory that helps for a smoother hit. Some of you may have doubt about what is a diffuser bead and how it produces smoother hit… Just like the name diffuser beads diffuse the water. As we know different sizes of bongs are available today and they can produce large amount of smoke. But intake of too much smoke can burn your throat or lungs. While we have variety percolators to solve this problem, use…

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Different ways to cool the smoke

Smoking less harsh smoke is always way better than hot and dry smoke, good for your lungs, better smoking sessions with no coughs. Water pipes are the pieces that offer nice and smoother hits compared to hand pipes and rolling papers. As smoke is filtered through a water system, debris in smoke are filtered out, providing a perfect smooth hit. For those who require the smoothest possible hit, there are many ways to make the smoking experience more pleasurable. Especially,…

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