Vape Pens – An Overview

Vape Pen or Pen Vaporizer is a type of vaporizer which is smaller in size and looks like a pen shaped e-cig. Vaping is so popular among cannabis users also. Vape pens and e-cigarettes entered into the main stream because of number benefits. Pen vaporizer is that much popular because they are more suitable for dry herbs, oils, e-liquids and waxes, in comparison to other formats of e-cigarette. It is like a fancy pen in design. They are very easy…

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Drip Tip – An Alternative to Cartridge

If you are a vaper, definitely you will know about atomizers and cartridge.Drip tip is just an apparatus like cartridge. Drip tip is used instead of e-cigarette cartridge and cartomizer. A drip tip is simply a hollow mouth piece that screws on the atomizer to drip the e-liquid directly into it. Therefore no need of a cartridge. Also it is a reusable accessory. Dripping is the process of pouring e-liquid directly into the atomizer. You may feel some difficulties at…

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