E-cigs and Vaporizers

The difference between conduction and convection vaporizers

Nowadays smokers or vapers looking for the best vaporizer often overwhelms by the sheer number of options available on market. For people who are on a quest to find the perfect vape for them, the first thing to do is to analyse and determine a few important factors about your vaping style. For example, if you are one such vaper who enjoys both herb and concentrate, obviously a vaporizer which is designed for both will suit you well. But if…

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Vaping in different places – are there any restrictions?

E- Cigarettes and vaporizers are rapidly gaining in popularity as an alternative to traditional, tobacco-based cigarettes. Unlike cigarettes which burn tobacco to produce nicotine, e-cigs use a battery-powered vaporizer to turn liquid nicotine into vapor which is inhaled and absorbed into the lungs. As it is often suggested as a safer alternative to smoking because of the absence of tobacco; many smokers are turning into vapers year by year. It is no wonder that cigarette use has dropped considerably over…

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Similarities and differences between E-cigs and Vaporizers

When it comes to smoking or vaping, nowadays we have an insane amount of options outside of the classic tobacco cigarette and cigars. When you walk into a smoke shop or vape shop there are literally thousands of options. And for deciding which option is the best for you, it is indeed helpful to know just a few basic facts about the available options. Here we are looking into a few basic similarities and differences between e-cigs and vaporizers. The…

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