KC SMOKZ Vapes e-cigs-e-juice

Is nicotine harmful?

A few days ago FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb was all over the news for his statement concerning maximum nicotine levels in cigarettes. As per the statement, reducing the levels of this addictive substance in cigarettes will help smokers to quit their habit easily. It is obvious that nicotine is addictive but is it all bad? Many people believe that nicotine gum is far less harmful than smoking. Doctors worldwide agree with it. Then why combustible cigarettes are risky to health?…

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KC SMOKZ Vapes e-cigs-e-juice

Tips to reduce nicotine cravings during travel

Travelling is not always easy for smokers. If you are a smoker, Boarding long hours flight where lighting up is strictly prohibited, or long road journey with fellow travelers make you very uncomfortable. Most of the times when your nicotine cravings kick in, you feel helpless as there is nothing you can do about it. The good news is that now a day there are a few things out there that helps you to control your addiction. These simple things…

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