hookah charcoal


Heat Management Devices (HMD) for your hookah

Year by year the hookah industry is growing drastically. Manufacturers are innovating new gears to simplify the hookah sessions and to improve the smoking experience. Using quick light charcoal and tin foil were most common but these days there are way too many heat management devices available on the market. Heat Management Devices, or HMD’s, as they are commonly known, helps you to manage the heat of the charcoal during your hookah sessions. An HMD is nothing but an accessory…

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Natural charcoals -The coals for a longer hookah session

Charcoal sparks the life in hookah and Natural Coals are the best hookah charcoal to use if you are looking for the best ever hookah smoking experience. Heating is one of the most essential features in hookah smoking, without heat we have no smoke. Basically coals come in two major varieties: Natural and Quick light. Novice hookah smokers prefers Quick light coals as they are easy to light. Natural Charcoals take a few minutes longer to get go, but it makes…

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Quick light coal and its uses

Coals are an absolute essential part of the hookah experience. They are the source of heat which causes the tobacco to produce smoke. Without them, hookah smoking is impossible! With so many different types of coals around, choice of coal can vary from person to person. Hookah charcoal comes in two basic classes – Quick light and Natural. While Quick light coals are what most smokers start with, Natural coals or coco coals are the cleanest way to smoke shisha.…

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Hookah Charcoal

Beginners guide to Hookah Charcoal

When you enter into the magic world of hookah, it’s difficult to decide which hookah you want. There are so many things to consider such as brand, materials used, price, size, etc.Hookah is a great choice for relaxation but you must know how to properly utilize the accessories you need in order to ensure a great session for yourself. One of the most important elements to a great hookah smoking experience is the charcoal that you use. There are two…

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