New Year

Some New Year Vaping Resolutions

Its 2019… time to set new goals and resolutions for the year ahead. Make your life better with new goals, so take good resolutions for self-improvement and development. The New Year goals should improve your situation rather than make it more difficult and complicated. It’s because probably you can’t bear huge list of decisions or new habits easily. So find good resolutions that will make you feel better. If you are a vaper who wish to improve their vaping or…

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Vaping vs. Smoking

As smoking world has been partitioned into smoking industry and vaping industry always happens talks between smoking and vaping. Which one is better? Today there is many ways to consume weeds, herb or cannabis. You can smoke it, vape it, eat it or you can dab it. But most of the debates are between vaping and traditional smoking. As New Year started many of us take new resolutions. Thus smokers and vapers can also take new goals or changes on…

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