pipe smoking

Know about Smoking Pipes Accessories

For every smoking as well as vaping device it is necessary to have proper tools for getting the full enjoyment of your smoke or vape. Right use of right smoking accessories will enhance your smoking habit. If you are a pipe smoker different smoking pipe accessories are available today to get a great pipe smoking experience. Right tools, proper storage of smoking weed and maintenance will help you to enjoy the smoke from your pipes. The right accessories have an…

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Smoking in Cold Weather

Winter smoking can make challenges to enthusiasts. Whether you are a pipe smoker or cigar smoker, need warm atmosphere to enjoy your smoke. In winter, having an indoor smoke with your companion can comfort you more. But it’s not possible for everyone because smoking in low temperature is something difficult. So that it’s helpful to know some cold weather smoking tips. And you can enjoy your winter smoke happily. For cigar as well as pipe smokers important thing to keep…

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Vaping vs. Smoking

As smoking world has been partitioned into smoking industry and vaping industry always happens talks between smoking and vaping. Which one is better? Today there is many ways to consume weeds, herb or cannabis. You can smoke it, vape it, eat it or you can dab it. But most of the debates are between vaping and traditional smoking. As New Year started many of us take new resolutions. Thus smokers and vapers can also take new goals or changes on…

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Pipe screens for your bowl

When buying a brand new pipe or bong, you may get questions regarding adding pipe screens to your shopping list. Most of the time buyers are confused to add it or not. This is because they don’t know the difference that these simple screens can make. Indeed, pipe screens are simple, but they can make a big impact on the quality of your bong or hand pipe smoking experience. Does cleaning resin and debris out of your bowl when you…

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pipe tobacco

An overview of pipe tobacco blends

There is a famous saying among tobacco smokers that “A cigarette is to be smoked, a cigar is to be enjoyed, and a pipe is to be savored”. Indeed, if you have experience with only cigarettes and cigars, be ready for a real treat. Among the various varieties of tobaccos, pipe tobacco possess the most typical and distinct flavors. The puffs from pipe tobacco blends are so stunning. Many factors such as the mix of tobaccos, style of its cut…

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