smoking pipe

Winter Smoking Pipes at KC SmokZ

Pipe smoking has numerous options today. Smoking pipes come in different shapes, styles, sizes, colors and materials. Pipes always have a special place in smoker’s heart because they have a big hand in the popularity of smoking weeds and herbs. Different types of pipes are available in market that fulfills all your needs. KC Smokz smoke vape and head shop on Broadway in Westport offers wide variety of smoking pipes. We have arranged everything including tobacco and tobacco pipes for…

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An Overview of Metal Pipes

We all know smoking pipes come in several shapes, size and materials. Some of these materials include glass pipes, wood pipes, rubber, plastic, and metal pipes. Glass is the most popular among regular smokers. However, glass is delicate, and some pieces are quite expensive. Smokers looking for an alternative medium to smoke from may eventually consider metal pipes. Metal is an uncommon material for making weed pipes, but they are not unknown. Metal Pipes are great for any smoker whether you’re…

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