

Tips to avoid vape dry hits

If you don’t know what a dry hit feels like, count yourself lucky. There is nothing that vapers hate more than a dry hit. Almost everyone who has been vaping for a long period might have experienced it at least once. It’s a distinct experience that typically includes a sour taste and a bad burn. When it hits you the first time, you may feel like abandoning vaping all together. It is hard to get rid of it forever. However,…

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What is TCR?

As the vaping industry advances, the newest vaping devices may look a bit complicated with the technical details about the coils and the temperature or numerous of other things. Features like temperature control, puff counters, and a variety of operating modes looks complex at first sight but are in fact far simpler than they seem to be. Jargons are often confusing for a new vaper. There are many jargon related to vaping and one of the latest one is TCR…

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oil vaping – How to vape essential oils with your vaporizer

Vaporizers are in use to vape both herbs and concentrates. While most people use them for herbs or e-juices, oil vaping is beneficial as well. It just work like any other concentrate, your device heats the oil just enough to create a mist-like vapor. You get all the benefits of your oil without exposing yourself to smoke. A wide range of essential oils, such as rosemary, peppermint and various types of food and medical grade oils are available on market…

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Similarities and difference between hookah smoking and vaping

These days there are so many forms of smoking out there and every segment is growing exponentially. Hookah smoking, even though it is a decades old culture, there are many new trends in hookah industry as well. Vaping is relatively one of the newest and it is rapidly gaining popularity. With so many alternative forms of smoking on the market, for a novice smoker knowing the difference between them is quite time consuming. The terminologies often confuse inexperienced people. Names…

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