Kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa is an evergreen tree indigenous to Southeast Asia; Thailand in particular. For centuries, kratom has been used in Thailand for medicinal and recreational purposes; particularly in rural areas. Many people in Thailand use kratom as a traditional herbal remedy for pain relief.

Over the years, kratom arrived in the United States and became popular immediately, being legalized in many states. But in Thailand, things changed when the Thailand Government passed laws surrounding kratom usage, possession, and sale. Southeast Asia is also known for having strict punishments for illegal use and possession of drugs. Kratom was considered an illegal drug in Thailand until recently.

Kratom in Thailand is not illegal anymore

Kratom has been in Thailand’s narcotics list for the past 76 years. On August 24th, 2021, the Thai law restricting the use of kratom was changed allowing the general public to consume and sell kratom legally. The decriminalization of kratom, according to a study by the Thailand Development & Research Institute will save authorities an estimated $50 million in prosecution costs.

The change in Thai Law followed after the World Health Organization (WHO) announced in July that it was examining whether kratom should be considered for control. Additionally, the Thai Parliament has been examining this issue with kratom since January after lawmakers started evaluating the prospects of decriminalizing the use of banned substances like medical marijuana.

Changing times

This change in law in Thailand is a clear indicator that times are changing, with increasing acceptance for kratom worldwide. The earlier ban on kratom in Thailand affected several farmers and their livelihood. With kratom being removed from the narcotics list, farmers might be able to move back into the industry which may subsequently lead to a potential economic boost from the kratom market across all parts of the globe.

The legalization of kratom also paves way for further research into the medicinal benefits of kratom and the right approach to consuming it. As a matter of fact, we believe this could even bring us a new, diverse range of kratom products with more adherence to quality. Thailand’s changed view of kratom will certainly impact other Southeast Asian regions, and the kratom products we use here in the United States.

What will the FDA say now?

Thailand’s classification of kratom as a narcotic was one of the key points raised by FDA to conclude why kratom should be banned or restricted in the United States. With leaders of Thailand issuing memorandums and declaring kratom legal, we wonder what the FDA will say now. The kratom community here in Kansas City will be interested to know how the FDA will respond to this. At KC Smokz, we believe the American Kratom Association just got what they needed to have a discussion with the FDA and push them towards acceptance of kratom as a natural medicinal herb.

Are you interested in discussing topics related to kratom, CBD and vapes? Drop by KC Smokz – the go-to vape shop in Kansas City. We would love for you to hang out here with us.