Innumerable scientific papers have said to us that nicotine smoke can damage our health in many ways and it cuts short our life span. Also reduces the quality of life. But a quality Vape works the other way around. As proven tobacco contains thousands of chemicals formed by combustion while Vape contains fewer chemicals and no combustion involved. Thoughtful people nowadays go for Vape instead of harmful smoke.

What are the other reasons why Vape is better than smoke. Think of your budget. A nice Vape can be enjoyed at a lesser cost than an expensive traditional smoking. At the same time by doing so you have opted for healthy alternative to smoke that is Vape. . Nicotine offers you no variety in
flavour or taste but Vapes offer you flavours like apple pie, lemon and many more. Vape is more delicious to your palate and appealing to your mouth.

Significantly, another reason is that Vape helps you leave your smoking habit. It will move you from unhealthy nicotine smoke to healthier herb Vape. It is important to buy well designed and safe Vaping devices and properly prepared e-liquids from genuine sellers to ensure your safety and
satisfaction of Vape.

Nicotine mainly causes heart attack and cancer. It damages your health, cut shorts longevity and leads to painful death. It is better to switch to Vape. Nicotine is a highly addictive and toxic substance while Vape causes no such problems. By its dependency inducing effect nicotine controls you while Vape gives you full control and you make your wise choices with no addiction. Vape is the best smoking cessation tool and helps in nicotine harm reduction. Vapes allow you to enjoy your best flavoured and dose of herb.

Increasingly youth are using Vapes and older experienced smokers are catching up.Vaping is not stigmatized in the modern society unlike smoking as Vaping provides smoke free environment in your socializing environment. Vapes do not cause stain in mouth. It doesn’t cause odour like smoke. Vaping is more acceptable in the society because of its proven features and benefits.

While Vaping gives you health benefits as it is smoke free, nicotine gives you ill health and pain. You can mix your e- liquids to suit your flavour and concentration unlike smoke that provides you with no chance of altering taste and concentration. Also well designed Vaping devices give you good flow of vapour output volume to suit you. So you have control over taste, concentration, output and habit while Vaping than in smoking where nicotine takes control of you. Vape gives you quick and lasting effect on your body than smoke. Modern Vaping devices are user friendly even to beginners. Do not fall victim to the baseless rumours against Vapes. Vapes have perceived benefits over traditional smoking.

Please pop into our KC Smokz store, have a look around of the amazing collection of Vapes and water pipes. You will surely buy from us. This is the right time to do so.