KC Smokz- The Smoke, Vape, Kratom, Delta, CBD, Head Shop

Vaporizer Mods

Vaporizer Mods In Kansas City

We can categorize vape mods by their electrical design. Regulated and unregulated mods have a distinctly different internal design which also results in two totally different vaping experiences. This is a good place to start if you’re looking to pick up your first mod. By learning the difference between these two types of mods, you’ll be able to narrow down your search and make a more educated decision.

A regulated mod is a vaporizer that has a chip (think microchip). The chip adds tons of features and functionality to the mod. It allows your mod to have an LED screen that displays a plethora of information. The addition of a screen opens up the door for a lot of other features that we enjoy while vaping on a regulated mod. Out of the regulated devices, you can choose from eGo pens, intermediate pen mods, and box mods. They each have their different perks.

An unregulated or mechanical mod differs greatly from a regulated mod. The biggest difference you’ll notice while vaping between the two is the power. We don’t recommend mechanical mods unless you’re an advanced vaper, well
versed on vaping and battery safety. These are definitely not beginner vape devices. An unregulated mod does not regulate the battery. That means when the battery is fully charged, it will vape at, say, 80W. As the battery gets a little weaker, it’ll vape at 67W. When the battery gets even weaker, it’ll vape at 42W, and so on until there’s no juice left. The battery simply gives its all for every rip until it’s exhausted. Mechanical mods do the exact opposite. If you set a regulated mod at 80W, it’ll vape at 80W consistently until the batteries give out. That is the quintessential difference between a regulated mod and an unregulated mod.

When you know what you want out of your device, it becomes much easier to find one that’s right for you out of the different kinds of vapes. Whether you’re looking for a cheap mod, a box mod, a pod system, or anything else there is a mod out there to suit your specific situation. Check out KC Smokz vape mod store for the best selection of mods from the most trusted brands in the vaping world