Not all head shops actually consider it a priority to procure and test the products they intend to sell. At KC Smokz, we prioritize quality over quantity. And that’s why we are glad to announce a fresh stock of the finest quality CBD products sourced from the most trusted brands. If you haven’t used CBD, you might be wondering why it’s such a big deal or that it isn’t.

It is.

And this write-up will explain why you should try CBD at least once before judging. And no, there is nothing in CBD that will get you addicted to it after just one try. This brings us to our first point.

CBD is basically a remedy

CBD isn’t cannabis. It’s cannabidiol – a compound found in cannabis plants. There are several other such compounds in cannabis and hemp plants, collectively called cannabinoids. Cannabidiol or CBD is a subtle cannabinoid that was originally used in the treatment of several ailments. It’s still used by people suffering from various ailments. CBD doesn’t cure them but it can make things easier for them.

CBD does not intoxicate

Because CBD is a cannabinoid, it’s often seen in the same light as another popular cannabinoid called THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). While THC is known for its psychotropic properties, CBD doesn’t have similar narcotic properties. Simply put, THC can get you high while CBD won’t. We offer CBD products with no trace of THC which means they won’t register as a narcotic in any drug test; simply because they aren’t narcotics. Taking such CBD products won’t get you intoxicated, and neither will you hallucinate about riding unicorns over rainbows.

CBD is a natural stressbuster

More people are exploring options beyond synthetic medicines and treatment, which is why Ayurveda – an ancient scientific healing science in India is becoming more popular in the west. Just like Ayurveda uses herbs and natural ingredients to prepare remedies and support treatments for ailments, CBD is also a natural approach to treating various health issues. CBD can instantly relieve the consumer from stress, and that’s because the property is in its nature and not infused into it through science. CBD doesn’t have undesirable side effects unless one takes too much of it in one go. It’s just as harmful as consuming too much honey.

CBD positively impacts physical and mental well-being

Did you know that CBD can help you keep well during the cold and flu season? It’s scientifically proven that CBD can naturally trigger and boost the human body’s inherent healing systems. CBD can also prevent the body from overreacting to physical issues including severe pain which can consequently cause more harm.

Many people suffering from anxiety disorders rely on CBD to relieve stress and anxiety as western medicines for the same can be intoxicating and addictive. Additionally, CBD also helps people with sleeping disorders by improving sleep cycles naturally. If you consider all of the therapeutic benefits of CBD, you can certainly conclude that it can help bring a greater sense of well-being.

That’s about it. Now you know why CBD is gaining such popularity these days. Feel free to visit us KC Smokz to learn more about CBD, and how best to take it for the first time. Even if it’s a one-off thing, you should still understand how CBD should be consumed properly for the best results.